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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Better (Quality), Faster, Cheaper? Completing Web Surveys on Cell-Enabled iPads
Year 2012
Access date 30.06.2012

Intercept field data collectors working in outdoor environments using electronic devices face a number of challenges traditional paper and pencil data collectors do not. For example, these electronic devices must be easy to use in difficult environments; their programmatic solutions must efficiently mimic the flexible, dynamic functionality that is baked into paper-based data collection tools; and interviewers must juggle interviewing several respondents with the electronic data collection device participating in the same activity simultaneously instead of filling out multiple paper questionnaires concurrently. This paper will explore ICF researchers’ quest for data collection options that are both innovative and able to handle challenging environments without many of the cost and flexibility limitations that accompany more traditional CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) and paper-based implementations. ICF’s solution? The “AppPI" (App for Personal Interviewing)—a data collection application designed for cell-enabled tablets (specifically 3G iPad). In addition to adding multiple respondent capabilities, the AppPI required other enhancements to address shortcomings discovered during initial pilot testing of the first generation tool. We also wanted to add other productivity enhancements to support field assignment logistics and field force communications. For example, innovations, such as linking photographs and audio files to specific survey responses, were investigated. Finally and most importantly, ICF researchers sought to answer the critical question: “Can the AppPI achieve the holy-grail promise of new technology—collect higher quality data, provide cost savings, and deliver clean, verified data to end-users faster than traditional in-field data collection techniques?”

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Year of publication2012
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
